A direction for the English traviller - by which he shal be inabled to coast about all England and Wales. And also to know how farre any market or noteable towne in any shire lyeth one from an other, and whether the same be east, west, north, or south from ye shire towne As also the distance betweene London and any other shire or great towne: with the scituation thereof east, west, north, or south from London. By the help also of this worke one may know (in what parish, village, or mansion house so euer be he in) what shires, he is to passe through & which way he is to trauell, till he come to his journies end
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Printed and are to be sold by John Garrett, at the south entrance of ye Royall Exchange in Corn-hill, where you may have a most exact mapp of England with the small townes described in six large sheets, also all other large mapps of ye world or any other part thereof. .. | 1677 | England, London | [40] leaves, [4] folding plates engr. maps, tables |